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发布时间:2021年08月21日  |  查看次数:[]



2017 / 04 – 至今 河西学院甘肃省应用真菌工程实验室  副研究员


2007 / 04 –2011 / 06 西北师范大学 生物技术   学士

2011 / 09 –2016 / 12 南京师范大学 微生物学   博士


  1. 2014-2015 学年南京师范大学 优秀研究生

  2. 《灰盖鬼伞几丁质酶ChiIIIChiEN1作用方式研究》获2016年江苏省微生物学会年会优秀论文奖


  3. 甘肃省高校教师科研能力提升项目,2020A-104β-1,3-葡萄糖苷酶BGL1在毛头鬼伞菌盖自溶中的作用机制研究,2020.6-2022.62.5万元,在研,主持

  4. 河西学院校长创新基金专项项目,XZZX20200062019新型冠状病毒基因组的生物信息学分析研究,2020.3-2021.12.5万元,在研,主持

  5. 河西学院校长创新基金项目,XZ2017006,毛头鬼伞水解酶分离纯化及鉴定,2017.12-2019.121.8万元,在研,主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,31860582,漆酶在荷叶离褶伞子实体分化中的作用机制研究,2019.01-2022.1240万元,在研,参加

  7. 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目,31860709,双组分信号转导系统ArcA/ArcB调控副猪嗜血杆菌致病性的分子机制研究,2019.01-2022.1239万元,在研,参加

  8. 祁连山黑河流域山水林田湖草生态保护修复项目,GSLK-2018-04,祁连山珍稀濒危动植物栖息地区域生态修复-菌物保护利用研究与示范,2018-20192000万元,在研,参加


    1. Yanxin Wang#, Xin Niu, Xiaoli Guo, Han Yu, Zhonghua Liu*, Zhenqing Zhang, Sheng Yuan*. Heterologous Expression, Characterization and Possible Functions of the Chitin Deacetylases, Cda1 and Cda2, from Mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea. Glycobiology, 2018, 28(5): 318~332.

    2. Xin Niu#, Zhonghua Liu#, Yajun Zhou, Jun Wang, Wenming Zhang, Sheng Yuan*. Stipe cell wall architecture varies with the stipe elongation of the mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea. Fungal Biology, 2015, 119(10): 946~956.

    3. Xin Niu#, Jiangsheng Zhou#, Yanxin Wang, Cuicui Liu, Zhonghua Liu,*, Sheng Yuan*. Heterologous expression and characterization of a novel chitinase (ChiEn1) from Coprinopsis cinerea and its synergism in the degradation of chitin. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2017, 65(32): 6943~6956

    4. Xin Niu#, Cuicui Liu, Yuanjing Xiong, Mingmei Yang, Fei Ma, Zhonghua Liu*, Sheng Yuan*.The modes of action of ChiIII, a chitinase from mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea, shift with changes in the length of GlcNAc oligomers. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2016, 64(37): 6958~6968.

    5. Zhonghua Liu#, Xin Niu, Jun Wang, Wenming Zhang, Mingmei Yang, Cuicui Liu, Yuanjing Xiong, Yan Zhao, Siyu Pei, Qin Qin, Yu Zhang, Yuan Yu, Sheng Yuan*. Comparative study of nonautolytic mutant and wild-type strains of Coprinopsis cinerea supports an important role of glucanases in fruiting body autolysis[J]. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2015, 63(43):9609-9614.

    6. Jiangsheng Zhou#, Liqin Kang#, Cuicui Liu#, Xin Niu, Xiaojun Wang, Hailong Liu, Wenming Zhang, Zhonghua Liu, Jean-Paul Latgé, and Sheng Yuan*. Specific chitinases play a key role in the stipe cell wall extension in the mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea. 2019, 85: e00532-19. https:// doi.org/10.1128/AEM.00532-19

    7. Hejian Fang#, Wenming Zhang#, Xin Niu, Zhonghua Liu, Changmei Lu, Hua Wei, Sheng Yuan*. Stipe wall extension of Flammulina velutipes could be induced by an expansin-like protein from Helix aspersa. FUNGAL BIOLOGY, 2014, 118(1): 1~11.

    8. Wenming Zhang#, Xin Niu, Wen Zhang,  Zhonghua Liu,  Sheng Yuan*. The cultivation of Agaricus bisporus on the spent substrate of Flammulina velutipes. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 2013, 8(38): 4860~4863.

    9. Wenming Zhang#, Xiuxiu Wu, Yajun Zhou,  Zhonghua Liu, Wen Zhang, Xin Niu, Yan Zhao, Siyu Pei, Yang Zhao, Sheng Yuan*. Characterization of stipe elongation of the mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea. Microbiology-SGM, 2014, 160: 1893~1902.

    10. Yajun Zhou#, Liqin Kang#,  Xin Niu,  Jun Wang,  Zhonghua Liu,  Sheng Yuan(*) Purification, characterization and physiological significance of a chitinase from the pilei of Coprinopsis cinerea fruiting bodies. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2016, 363(12): fnw120


  9. Xin Niu, Cuicui Liu, Mingmei Yang, Yuanjing Xiong, Fei Ma, Zhonghua Liu, Sheng Yuan(*). The modes of action of ChiIII, a Chitinase from mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea, shift with changes in the length of GlcNAc oligomers.14届中日韩国际酶工程学术研讨会, 南宁, 2016.11.16-2016.11.18

  10. 刘中华(#); 周亚军; 牛鑫; 章文明; 王军; 杨明媚; 刘翠翠; 熊原静; 袁生(*).β-葡聚糖酶在灰盖鬼伞菌子实体菌盖自水解过程中作用的生理生化与遗传证据. 中国菌物学会2015年学术年会, 中国上海, 2015.9.20-2015.9.22

  11. Xin Niu(#); Zhonghua Liu(#); Wenming Zhang; Jun Wang; Sheng Yuan(*). Insights into cell wall architectures of the mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea stipes explored by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy. Fungal cell wall 2015, 巴黎, 2015.10.26-2015.10.28

  12. Zhonghua Liu(#); Xin Niu; Yan Zhao; Siyu Pei; Liqin Kang; MingmeiYang; Cuicui Liu; Yuanjing Xiong; Yang Zhao; Sheng Yuan(*). Comparing the fruiting body non-autolysis mutant strain of Coprinopsis cinerea with the wild strain: exploring the molecular mechanism of fruiting body autolysis. Fungal cell wall 2015, 巴黎, 2015.10.26-2015.10.28



